06.08.2018. – 12.08.2018.
welcome to Mo:Dem Festival 2018.! The date is set and planning for our next gathering can start…
First of all, we want to thank you once more for your support and love given: HVALA!
We learned a lot, especially in communication with you, and our mission is to implement this new knowledge into building bigger but more accessible and more humane Mo:Dem. Your better comfort and safety is the primary goal. With our greener initiative, we want to live the words ecology and sustainability even more. Preserving the site as pure and untouched as we found it implies stricter ‘leave no trace’ policy. Except for the construction of new compost toilets we have big plans in this department and therefore we’re going to need your help; so expect crowdfunding and other campaigns in near future.
We continue to follow our vision to abandon the outdated concept that divides musical genres on ‘main’ and ‘alternative’ so each segment of the Mo:Dem Festival will have equal treatment and approach. It seems that you liked new concept with three musical stages and at this moment we can only reveal that we are improving and developing it. But building chill out area worthy of our Festival is the main objective. You know what to expect – diverse musical content with an emphasis on psychedelic sound and out of this world visuals, installations and art.
As you know Mo:Dem is not expanding in numbers and tickets will be limited. We recommend that you buy yours on time. Early bird tickets will be online in mid-September. Other news are coming soon so stay tuned!
With love and passion,
Mo:Dem Crew
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