Lost Theory Festival 2019
9 till 15 July 2019
Dear Theorists , we have terrible news,
Our journey to Spain turned from a dream into a nightmare, with tears in our eyes we have to announce the cancellation of Lost Theory festival 2019 Spain. We are heartbroken, devastated and disappointed.
While we always had the full support from local governments, owners of the terrain (Parque Nacional), and local people, due to a new law our lands ownership got recently transferred from ‘Parque Nacional’ to ‘Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo’ by the Spanish government and is now a river/flooding risk-area (under the level 390) on the cadaster.
The old owners of the land (Parque Nacional) were always helping us to get necessary paperwork and showing interest in the project, the new owners (Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo) fail to support us or give official permissions. We still have support from all other government institutions but sadly 80% of the festival lands now belongs to the Confederación.
If we continue without the permission of the new land owner there is a risk the police will remove the festival and its visitors. This is a risk we are not willing to take. We see no other option then to cancel the festival.
We hope the concept is not lost and still believe in a come-back, but only when we are certain we find a spot where we are 100% welcome by both local and senior governments.
Please look back at all the good times you experienced at our events. Think back to the friendships formed, the things you saw, heard, felt. We are eternally grateful for all our crew and volunteers, to the musicians who performed, artists, workshop holders and the councils and emergency services who always supported our events and off course the visitors for their support.
An alternative smaller weekend-festival is being planned by Spanish crews on the same date (but other venue.)
Please give us some time to digest the situation, we will mail all ticket-buyers within the next 10 days with refund-info or possibilities to swap for other festivals with similar concept from friends like Huéznar Festival 2019 (which is the closest geographically) , Own Spirit Festival 2019 , Space Safari 2019 ,…. more tbc